Content of MAP miniproject was published in the journal Analytical Chemistry
MAP student Sahib Abdullayev carried out his miniproject in collaboration with the group of Prof. Nicolas Joly from the Department of Physics and the Max Planck Institute for the Science of the Light (MPI). The goal was the measurement of a chemical reaction catalyzed by an enzyme. During the course of the reaction, the optical properties of the reaction mixture changed and the idea was to measure this change with the help of polarized light that was coupled into a photonic crystal fiber (PCF). The PCF functioned as a nanoreactor and optical waveguide at the same time. The excellent contributions of the student manifest themselves in Sahib Abdullayev being one of the co-authors on a paper on “Measurement of Minute Liquid Volumes of Chiral Molecules Using In-Fiber Polarimetry” recently published in Analytical Chemistry (

By MAP Professor Dr. Marco Haumann