
English language courses

Depending on your pre-knowledge on English, it might be an option to attend specialized English courses at the Sprachenzentrum Kursangebot – Sprachenzentrum der FAU. All English courses are free of charge for FAU students. Registration starts about 3 Weeks before the beginning of the lecture period. There are fitting courses for students who are interested in more subject-related English courses. We recommend the courses at level 3 or 4 at our Language Center (these correspond to C1 level).

Scholarships and grants for going abroad

Register time abroad and win a travel scholarship worth 500 euros

Diversity scouts

The growing diversity of students makes it necessary to raise awareness of stereotypes, to reduce discrimination and to promote the dialogue about diversity. The Diversity Committee consists of peer mentors for students who represent diverse experiences. Students of non-traditional ages, with a migration or international background, disabilities, caretaking responsibilities, different sexual orientations and gender identities, or who come from a non-academical family background, can connect with the Diversity Committee, especially at the beginning of their studies at FAU. The Diversity Committee helps students to get oriented at the FAU and create networking opportunities around the topic of diversity. The FAU website provides additional information about the Diversity Committee.

Leave and regulations on study leave (Urlaubssemester)

In theory, it is possible for you to take a leave semester. However, the MAP Office recommends this only in exceptional cases. Please check details with the Student Records Office. They offer the request for leave on their website.

De-registration (exmatriculation)

You will be de-registered automatically after the end of the semester in which you submitted your thesis. However, there is also a possibility to exmatriculate yourself earlier. Please refer to FAU’s general regulations regarding exmatriculation. The form for de-registration can be found on the website of the Student Records Office. The form states: “You may choose whether you wish to be de-registered at the end of the semester (30 September or 31 March respectively) or on a specific date of your choice. However, it is usually sensible to be de-registered at the end of the semester, as this means that your health insurance will not expire (…)”
For more detailed advice and counseling in these questions, please contact the Student Records Office:

Job search & application

Scientific skills – lab course

In the first semester, you will take lab courses that are selected for you based on your previous qualifications.

To pass the module, you must actively participate in the experiments and submit the lab reports to the supervisor in a timely manner. Late or insufficient lab reports will result in a fail.

The students must familiarize themselves with the relevant documentation before the start of the experiments. If they are insufficiently prepared, the students will be excluded from the experiments.



Learning German

Even if you do not need to know German for your studies, we know from experience that you will find it easier to find accommodation and deal with bureaucracy if you do know German, e.g. when extending your visa, and to find a job during and after your studies.

We therefore recommend that you use apps like Duolingo or Babbel to get started.

FAU offers German courses at the Language Center / Sprachenzentrum free of charge. These are great courses, however, the University’s German courses are limited. Therefore, apply early and repeatedly to get one of the places. Once you get one, take the opportunity and take the course.

Certain German courses offered by the Language Centre are not free of charge. In the case of very specific courses (intensive courses for German FIT), the MAP program can partially reimburse the costs in consultation with the MAP Office. Please get back to our MAP Office staff.

Studying online


UnivIS stands for University Information System. It provides information on:

  • Contact information of FAU staff and lecturers
  • Rooms