Categories: FAQ for current students Tags: general organization
Job search & application
If you are looking for a clear and concise overview of residence, social and employment regulations for international students in Germany, the flyer “Job regulations for international students” from the Service Point for Intercultural Competence presents these in an easily understandable manner.
FAU Career Service
The FAU Career Service offers a diverse range of professional events and consultation services for members of all of FAU’s faculties designed to support students, graduates and doctoral candidates when planning and starting their careers. This service is available for up to one year after graduation and includes:
- career advice
- advice on applications
- application workshops and seminars
- career information and talks
For further information, please refer to FAU’s Career Service:
Ms. Stefanie Rösch, M.A. and Ms. Nicole Jakob
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Room 1.037 and Room 0.046
Schloßplatz 3, Ecke Halbmondstr. 6
91054 Erlangen
+49 9131 85-26304
E-Mail: career-service(at)
Relevant links for your job search and application
- Searching for student jobs: - Searching for jobs abroad: - Salary analysis:
Required documents to work as student assistant
- document proving that you are a matriculated student (“Immatrikulationsbescheinigung”)
- social security number (from health insurance/ “Krankenkasse”?
- cover letter: Your cover letter may make the difference between obtaining a job/internship interview or having your resume ignored
- devote the necessary time and effort to writing effective cover letters
- ask a friend to help proofread your cover letter, (if the application documents are in German, the proofreader should, of course, be German or fluent in German)
- Get professional advice and have your application documents checked by the FAU Career Service
Understanding your payslip
You can find a description on how to read your payslip on the website of Simple Germany.