
Student ticket for public transportation

FAU and the AK IT der Stuve Erlangen-Nürnberg provide more information.

Semester dates

StudOn – MAP section

Leaving FAU

Before you leave FAU/Germany, there are a few things you need to do to ensure that you do not encounter any problems later and that you are able to continue your studies successfully at your home university. The FAU website provides an informational section on leaving FAU.

Health and liability insurance

German bank accounts

Important remarks for your start of studies

Email etiquette
Use only your official email address for all communications related to your studies. Emails from other providers are sometimes directly sorted as spam or treated as such from professors who often get more than 100 emails per day.

Confirmation for immigration authorities

Exceeding the standard period of study

De-registration from literature reviews and miniprojects

De-registration from literature reviews and miniprojects is not possible after a topic has been assigned to you.