
Examination of the “Basics”

The two parts of each basics examination count as separate examinations. You can decide if you take both parts on the same date or at different times.

German academic grading scale

1.0 / 1.3 = very good – excellent performance

1.7 / 2.0 / 2.3 = good – performance significantly above average requirements

2.7 /3.0 / 3.3 = satisfactory – corresponds to average requirements

3.7 / 4.0 = pass – has deficits but still meets the requirements

4.3 / 4.7 / 5.0= fail – performance has significant deficits and does not meet the requirements

Postponement of examinations

Plagiarism and artificial intelligence

Illness and examinations

Important: if you complete the examination as normal, you confirm that you are in good health and are able to sit the examination – you cannot submit an application for special consideration retrospectively (even with medical certificates).

Exam preparations

Exam dates

MAP lecturers are responsible for exam organization (date and time) and grade registration via campo.
Exception: MAP Office organizes the dates for the Basics exams due to the involvement of several lecturers.

Within one week and even within one day, several exams might be scheduled. Inform the MAP lecturer about other exams to avoid overlap.

Disabled and chronically ill students

Disabled and chronically ill students (i.e. physical or psychical disturbance for longer than 6 months or illnesses over more than one year which are needed to be treated by a doctor at least once in three months) have the possibility of a disadvantage compensation (e.g. longer exam times). The cases will be dealt with on an individual basis. For the disadvantage compensation, a card/certificate which officially proves the disability is not necessary. The disadvantage compensation is not indicated in the transcript of records. Further information is provided under “Compensation for disadvantages during examinations”

Failure regulations – program failure

The MAP Office does not have information on the failure of students.
Students who are subject to the failure rule will be exmatriculated (=deregistered from the university) at the end of the semester .
It is the student’s responsibility to assess whether he/she is in danger of failing the MAP program.

No warning will be issued by the MAP office!

We therefore strongly advise to:

  • Familiarize yourself thoroughly with the examination rules of the program
  • Regularly check all your examination results on campo 
  • In case you have failed an examination:
    • go to the official post-exam review date offered by the examiners and check for possible mistakes in grading or grade calculation as well as to learn from your mistakes.
    • in case of miniproject reports or literature reviews, schedule an appointment to discuss the comments of the examiner.
  • Ask the MAP Office in case of doubt regarding your individual situation.

What happens in case you are subject to the failure rule and have failed the program:

  • Any official information is provided through the central examinations office (“Prüfungsamt”).
  • Notifications about exmatriculation are sent after the end of the respective examination period (November/December for SS; May/June for WS).
  • An objection to such notification can be filed within four weeks.
  • After four weeks the exmatriculation becomes legally binding.

You are welcome to schedule an appointment with the MAP Chairs to discuss alternative career or study plans.
