MAP excursion to Bayreuth

MAP students visited the University of Bayreuth and Neue Materialien, Bayreuth
We are thrilled to share insights from our educational excursion to the Polymer Engineering, University of Bayreuth, and Neue Materialien, Bayreuth, which took place on 15 December 2023.
Prof. Holger Ruckdäschel presented an insightful lecture at the beginning of the trip, outlining the materials and techniques studied along with environmental issues. During the ensuing lab visit, the students were also able to witness some of the testing procedures and mini-plants.
The excursion then led us to Neue Materialien, Bayreuth. Here, Nico Geis offered an engaging presentation on the institute’s internal structure and working principles and researched materials and processes.
The highlight of the excursion was the tour of the institute, during which the students viewed a number of process plants and the materials developed from them. Johanna Hausmann, a materials scientist, and our guide helped the students to better comprehend the applications of material science by answering their questions.
Overall, the excursion was very insightful, informative and interesting, which is why we would like to thank everyone involved for making it happen!
By MAP student Günel Safariliyeva (matriculation group 2023)