MAP Poster Session 2025
On 22nd January 2025, the renowned MAP Poster Session was held with the same brilliance as in previous years at the Faculty of Engineering at FAU Erlangen – Nürnberg. The session was a combination of joy and enthralling moments, featuring many scientific discussions and acquisition – not only for MAP senior students as the poster presenters but also for juniors and other attendees from different institutes. A diverse array of scientific research posters attributed to the wide range of interdisciplinary scientific fields of Materials Science and Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering and Nanotechnology which were exhibited. This provided an excellent situation for everyone to freely walk and navigate through the poster rows while inquiring about posters and the involved research work. Additionally, junior students benefited from the poster diversity by learning and simultaneously forming and obtaining ideas about Focal Subjects and miniproject topics for their future studies. This event also served as a great source of motivation for attendees, inspiring them to consider possible research directions that may be followed in the future.
As it is a tradition at the MAP Poster Session, multiple prizes were awarded at the end of this event to the best posters, the best MAP student and the best MAP lecturers. The granted prizes are as following:
MAP Best Lecturer Award | Lecturer |
1st prize | Prof. Dr. Marco Haumann |
2nd prize | Prof. Dr. Robin Klupp Taylor |
MAP Best Poster Award | Name | Poster Title |
1st prize | Tzu-Ling Su | Segregation efficiency by diffusiophoresis and channel formation in binary supraparticles systems |
2nd prize | Kimia Hashemizadeh | Optimization of direct patterning SnO2 thin film by Atomic-Layer additive manufacturing for sensors and photovoltaics |
3rd prize | Pranjal Anand | Getting to the bottom of the mug: Coffee ring effect |
MAP Best Student Award |
Pranjal Anand |
The speeches of the MAP students from the 3rd semester for the best lecturers Prof. Haumann and Prof. Klupp Taylor can be read in another article on this website.
By MAP student SeyedAta Amiri (matriculation group 2023)